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Kelston Girls College Sport Code of Conduct – Player Agreement : Player Agreement
Kelston Girls College Sport Code of Conduct – Coach/Manager : Coach/Manager Agreement
Kelston Girls College Sport Code of Conduct – Parent Agreement : Parent Agreement
In order to create the best possible team environment, players are instructed to adhere to the following guidelines:
On field behaviour:
Arrive on time to all practices, games and scheduled events.
Inform your manager ahead if you are unable to attend practice, games or events. Injured players should attend practice to observe. Do not practice or play if you are injured and always discuss injuries with team management.
Wear the correct uniform and foot wear. Remove all jewellery prior to playing.
Maintain your discipline in language and conduct by not . . .
Engaging in behaviour that brings yourself, your team, Kelston Girls College or the game into disrepute
Off field behaviour:
Adhere to the team rules of conduct such as:
Be positive to yourself and others as only the coaches reserve the right to provide constructive criticism. Respect the learning environment by actively participating, listening, discussing and questioning where appropriate.