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​​​​​​​Academic Learning Hub

The purpose of our academic learning hub is to provide a safe and flexible learning space for students and teachers after school to raise the engagement, commitment and achievement for all students.
​​​​​​​Held in the Library every Wednesday & Thursday 3:30 – 4:30 pm.

What is it for?

  • Homework and completing class work
  • Research and completing re sits
  • Assistance – from teachers and senior students
  • Reading
  • Using computers for research and accessing study sites
  • Reading through your notes from the days lessons

Why Go?

  • The preparation and planning you do now, will make a difference to how well you do in assessments and class work.
  • Completion of homework and class work will help your understanding.
  • How well you do this year will affect your future years.
  • Start good habits NOW.

Breakfast Club

Everyday 8:00 - 8:30am at the tuck shop. Enjoy something to eat and drink before school starts.