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Kia ora Tātou,

Welcome to Kelston Girls’ College.  Our purpose is kia mōhio kia rangatira (To wisdom with honour) which links to the tradition of the school motto and also to the present and future of our students.  We want our students to achieve their highest potential and to gain the skills they need to be successful.  Our vision is culturally connected ākonga with the mōhiotanga to be agents of change.  It is important to us that all students of all cultures feel strongly connected and proud of their culture so that they can develop the knowledge and skills to take their culture with them into the work or further learning environment.  Our key values are grounded in the concept of manaaki, which encompasses respect, support, protection, generosity and care for others.  Manaaki i a tātou is to respect ourselves, manaaki i a rātou is to respect others and manaaki i te hapori is to respect the community. 

Our curriculum is carefully designed to make sure that our students understand why they are learning alongside gaining the knowledge and skills they need.  The modules of learning are designed to integrate two subjects around a real world issue so that students can see through experience that specialist subjects have to work together to solve problems. There are opportunities to learn new things through the inquiry pop up passions (iPUPS) which are designed through student choice and have a learning focus with assessment falling naturally out of the project. 

Kelston Girls College is an exciting, caring and challenging community. All our students are coached, mentored and challenged with high expectations that are appropriate to the individual.  We see each student as a distinct person with skills and knowledge that they bring and that we work with to help them achieve. We use restorative principles to guide our approach to each other as we all strive to communicate effectively. 

I hope that visiting these pages will encourage you to contact us, to find out more about learning for young women at Kelston Girls’ College.

Sarah Stenson

​​​​​​​MA(Hons), DipTchg