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Colgan Scholarship 

End of Term 3
Year 11 Students

The Colgan Trust is administered by the New Lynn Rotary Club.This scholarship is open to Year 11 students intending to continue at Kelston Girls’ College for the next 2 years. It is intended to cover some of the students’ educational expenses for the current year.

Applicants apply for the Scholarship in Term 4 of their Year 11 year.

There are two scholarships awarded each year.  The value of the scholarship is $375 and is credited to the school account of the student.

The scholarship criteria includes previous scholastic success, school contribution and financial need.  The Trustees principles state that the scholarship is for:

  • Students who have proved themselves on their past performance, to be worthy of this award, both scholastically and in    contribution to the school.
  • Students who would otherwise have difficulty to continue their education at school.

Applicants are advised to research the history and work of New Zealand Rotary.

A short list of candidates is made from the initial applicants and interviews are held at a later date at school.  The interviewing panel will consist of a Deputy Principal,  and a New Lynn Rotarian.

The recipients are announced at The Year 11 Prizegiving in February / March. The applicant may also be expected to attend a dinner or meeting of New Lynn Rotary Club, along with a parent or guardian.